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As you read this quote, my guess is that it will deeply resonate with some part of your inner self. That is because we are all on a journey to discover our true identity; one I believe is our greatest mission on earth.

We have all met and envied a person who is truly authentic, regardless of the situation, their circumstance or our attitude towards them:

The wounded man who overcomes tragic loss. The desperate woman who continues to pursue others despite her own rejection. The single mother who will not give up on the child who disowned her. The poverty-stricken teen who fights for a future despite their limited means. All wear the victory of conquering life’s harshest adversity; day in, day out.

Can we be like them? Can our own pain be defeated by the power of living an authentic life? Can our own weakness be used as strength? Can our brokenness be worn with pride?

In both my personal and professional experience, the answer is a resounding yes. Time and time again I have been humbled by incredible humans who lay down their mask of presentation and are brave enough to live each day vulnerable, real and true to themselves. Sometimes it’s ugly, and even more often it’s painful – but they have discovered the freedom that comes with moving away from pretense and embracing a raw and honest acceptance of the inner self.

This is the journey I seek to discover with my clients. Sometimes all we need is a listening ear and someone to believe in us to help us find the self which we truly are.
